Friday, May 1, 2009

Image Factory Photography Promo Video

Here is our promo video that we shot and edited for our FAVORITE Wedding photographer! Image Factory Photography

We tagged along at a wedding in Denver and shot Tim and Deanna in action then had an interview session with Tim.

They loved the video and have used it to show people a glimpse of what its like to work with them and see the amazing photos they get in return.


  1. We love it! People totally unrelated to this wedding have cried from watching the video...that's powerful!

  2. Photography is must to collect beautiful cheesy memories with dear ones at special occasions. Decorations and entrance specially need to be given extra efforts in any of the function. Planning a bridal party for my friend at one of the superb event venue soon. Tea party with luncheon will be more suitable. Also looking for lovely pre bridal salon deals to gift her.
